Christmast in Bureċ
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  We spent the Christmas in Bureċ, a small village south of Skellefteċ. Skellefteċ is located around 600  km (as the crow flies) north of Stockholm. Per's aunt and uncle lives there.


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My cousins Elisabeth and Mattias slicing the salmon.


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Pictures from the dinner. In the left picture Mattias and his wife Ulrika, with her mother to the left. In the picture to the right, Elisabeth and her husband Martin. My sister, and Olof and Lisa, son and daughter to Elisabeth and Martin. Their third daughter Linnea is just out of the picture to the right.


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My wife and her second favorite occupation.


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A fake Santa Clause to the left (me) and the real one in the right picture. To the right of the real one Martin's father.


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To get some attention I needed to team up with my wife and Sixten.


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Deep concentration in the game "Happy Puppy". On the tail of the puppy there is a bowl. You should place small plastic bones in the bowl. If you place it wrong or to many in the bowl it will tip over and you loose. I lost.


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A great dinner with Gilla and Jörgen at their place in Umeċ.


Copyright Per Sundell & Ausrine Gabrenaite Sundell
Last revised: 2003-02-06