Christmas in Kaunas
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Photos taken with Canon Digital Ixus


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Ausrine preparing the Christmas tree.


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Behind each man there is a great woman, so I got to do the final touch by attach the Star.


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An in between I was in bed with something like a cold.


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The cat Prince had, I hope, a great time. Aunt Nijole and Ausrine's grandparents, Stasys and Valerija, and me.


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We visited Robertinas and Dovile, and (hmmmm) Robertinas hadn't showed Dovile our homepage, so we needed to do some PC'ing.


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Robertinas to the left. Dovile and Ausrine, and Ausrine and Aida. All together around the kitchen table.


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Robertinas trying the Arabic look. Ausrines mother Liudvika seems to enjoy the sight. Robertinas and Dovile's son Matas.


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My wife preparing something to eat. 

Copyright Per Sundell & Ausrine Gabrenaite Sundell
Last revised: 2003-04-02