New Year in Kaunas
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We were in Lithuania, Kaunas, over Christmas and New Year. Kaunas has around 480,000 inhabitants and is situated almost in the middle of Lithuania, and around 220 kilometres from the Baltic sea.

Photos taken with Canon Digital Ixus

 We had a party with relatives to Ausrine on New Years eve.  These are pictures from outside Ausrine's home in Kaunas, around 2400 hours and the party afterwards.


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1. Uncle Rimvydas and aunt Rita. (behind powder smoke) 2. Dovile and Rytis


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3. Jurgis, Liudvika (Ausrine's mother) and Vilija. 4. Rytis and Orinta. 5. Almost everybody!


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6. Aunt Audrone


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7. Dovile and Robertinas. 8. Robertinas, Per & champagne. 9. Robertinas, Per & more champagne


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10. Us. 11. Egle, Jurgis and Linas


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12. Nemunas, Egle and Ausrine. 13. Dovile and Orinta


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14. Vilija, Orinta and Rytis


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15. Ausrine and aunt Audrone. 16. Rytis and Ausrine. 17. 1/2 Ausrine and Per.


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Dovile and Robertinas in the forefront and Ausrine and me.

Copyright Per Sundell & Ausrine Gabrenaite Sundell
Last revised: 2003-04-02