February Sunday walks
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Pictures from around where we live in Stockholm during Sunday walks in February.


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The channel.


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The lock and our alp to the right.

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Our own alp.

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The tram rail.


The BW pictures are taken by a Canon Digital IXUS. The owner, me, got "ljasdfopasdf" in the fingers after the first shot, which was in color. Yuuupieee.

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... so the rest was in BW. Puuh.....

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The channel to the left and the car bridge to the right.

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Ausra and the channel.

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Me and the channel.

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The channel.                                         One of the balconies are ours.

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The entrance of the lock. 

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In the mid section between the two locks.

Copyright Per Sundell & Ausrine Gabrenaite Sundell
Last revised: 2003-04-03